Things tagged 'school'

limited to the area of Cycle Basingstoke:

2 issues found for 'school':

  • Hatch Warren Infant School: improve for parking for children, parents, residents

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Hatch Warren Infant School sent a letter and booklet to local residents, and hopefully parents to encourage parents to get their children to walk, scoot, or cycle to school (at least from a local car park).
    It begins "The School Council have been working this half term to help try to improve parking for the children, parents and residents around school." The booklet has a picture of bicycle on the front, and quotes from children like:-
    "Cars go really fast on the road and it can be scary!"
    "People park on the pavements and in the bus stop."
    "It is difficult to cross... you have to walk on the road... it is not safe... I might get hurt."
    "It is always busy.. lots of cars go very fast. I don't like it."

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  • Fort Hill Community School closure - opportunity for signed route to CBEC?

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    HCC have proposed the closure of the Fort Hill Community School site in Winklebury, Basingstoke, with the pupils attending CBEC instead. The Ringway A340 and Winchester Road A30 will provide barriers to cycling between the two sites. Could this be an opportunity to provide a signed cycle route between the sites, to include something suitable along the A30 Winchester Road? FHCS is close to the proposed corridor 6, and CBEC is close to proposed corridor 5.

    Amalgamation of Fort Hill Community School and Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College, Basingstoke including the Fort Hill Special Educational Needs resourced provision:

    The consultation runs from 19 January until 2 March 2017

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10 threads found for 'school':

No planning applications found for 'school'.

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