Things tagged 'chineham'

limited to the area of Cycle Basingstoke:

2 issues found for 'chineham':

  • Chineham to Town Centre Accessibility Improvements

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Hampshire County Council will "upgrade" the NCN23 between Chineham and Eastrop Park, and provide cycling improvements in Chineham Business Park between Crockford Lane and the roundabout.

    Improvements into the existing route from Chineham to Town Centre for non-motorised users, focussing on the National Cycle Network.

    Section 1 & 2

    This route starts from Cufaude Lane along Hanmore Road in Chineham and finishes at Swing Swang Lane. The proposal is to upgrade existing cyclist access by improving crossing point, vegetation clearance, bollards replacement, directional signing and cycle making.

    Section 3

    This route starts from Crockford Lane goes over the railway line at the north side of Chineham Business Park, through the Business Park and ends at Crockford Lane roundabout. The proposal is to implement an advisory on road cycle facility, install on road cycle signage and cycle markings down to the existing toucan crossing and then linking to an off road cycle route to Popley Way near Crockford Lane roundabout.

    Section 4

    This is an existing footpath for pedestrian and cyclist in Eastop Park. The footpath starts at the subway under the A339 Ringway East through the park and ends at Eastrop Circus.

    The main work is to resurface the footpath and convert it to a shared use footway/cycleway route. The existing route signing will be removed and replaced with new shared route signs, directional signing and bollards.

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  • Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council Draft Cycling Strategy consultation

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    "Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has commissioned Sustrans, a leading UK charity that aims to encourage people to travel by foot, bicycle or public transport for more of their local journeys to help create a ‘cycling strategy’ and new cycle network map in consultation with the people who live in, work in or visit the borough."

    The strategy ignores most of the Borough, has low aims (lowest common denominator rather than facilities suitable for all riders), and is being made irrelevant by new housing developments.

    Responses to the consultation should be in by 11th December.

    Here is a map showing the Borough Council's boundaries:

    By zooming in to this map, you can see the proposed corridors as dashed blue highlights:

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